Museum of Contemporary Art with works by Georg Baselitz, John Chamberlain, Walter De Maria, Dan Flavin, Imi Knoebel, Uwe Lausen, Blinky Palermo, Andy Warhol and Maria Zerres
Current opening hours:
Saturday & Sunday, 12-18 h
Call for applications: Registration for school classes for the ZukunftsAtelier 2024/2025 now open
The ZukunftsAtelier 2024/2025, inspired by the ideas of the world-famous German artist Joseph Beuys, motivates pupils to work together on a project for a more sustainable and fairer world. Interested teachers and school classes can now register again.
Exhibition visit to the studio of Clemens Büntig
In mid-June, interested members of the Circle of Friends met again in Clemens Büntig's studio in Traunstein. All studio visits try to establish a connection to an important aspect of the museum collection, this time printmaking
ZukunftsAtelier 2024 - interim status
The 2023/2024 school year is over - the ZukunftsAtelier 2024 not quite yet. Three out of four school classes have already taken part: Hertzhaimer Gymnasium Trostberg, Schule Schloss Stein and Johannes Haidenhein Gymnasium Traunreut have each already tackled one topic, launched initiatives, visualized their concerns and made their mark. In September, we are looking forward to welcoming the Montessori technical secondary school from Munich, which will round off this year's project run. However, a short interim report is already available.