Mediation services
The special concept of the museum DASMAXIMUM does not focus on short-term exhibition events, but on intensive experience with major works of contemporary art. The selection of a few artists and large groups of works, as well as tranquillity, light and space, deliberately contribute to the intensity of a visit to the museum. The permanence of the collection is an occasion for return and new discovery. The focus is not on imparting knowledge, but on the personal perception and experience of art. Accordingly, the museum has developed its own mediation formats that do not obstruct direct access to art, but instead focus on the individual experience with art.
School & Education
With the rainbow train through DASMAXIMUM
approx. 60 minutes
Kindergarten and 1st-2nd grade elementary school
3€/child // educators free
Appointment via the museum office
Colors play a central role in art. For children, too, the first approach to painting often comes from experimenting with color. What happens when I mix or juxtapose individual colors? In the same way, the rainbow and its color spectrum exert a great fascination. We use the "rainbow train" to travel through the museum and explore the world of colors. Are there only painted colors, or can you also paint with light? What do colors have to do with feelings and does everyone feel colors in the same way? Can stories be told based on colors?
The offer would like to open a first access to art and at the same time put the individuality of the art and color perception in the foreground.Â
approx. 90 minutes
1st-9th grade // All school types
3€/pupil // teachers free
Appointment via the museum office
The KunstBegegnung is based on the activity sheets that we have developed for all artists in the museum. Each KunstBegegnung is dedicated to one artist. Together with a museum educator, the students approach the work through their own observations, perceptions and descriptions. Small creative tasks help to better understand and deepen the artistic idea. The individual approach of the students to the works of art is in the foreground of the art encounter and, depending on the age level, is supplemented by art historical classification.
120-180 minutes
5th-13th grade // All school types
3€/pupil // teachers free
Appointment via the museum office
This program also focuses on independent experience and discovery of art. For the most part, the students themselves design the tour of the museum for their classmates. In small groups, the students first explore a part of the museum and then independently select a work that particularly interests them. Drawing a pencil sketch practises looking closely and draws attention to details. Together, the respective groups exchange ideas and consider how they can present the work of art to the class. During the subsequent joint tour, the selected works are presented and discussed together with the museum staff.
The concept is relatively variable. For example, a break can be taken as needed, or at higher grade levels an initial question can be discussed, such as "To what extent did the artist define or expand the concept of art? The activity sheets can also be used to delve deeper into the work of the artist.
3 modules á 4 hours
9th-13th grade // all school types from Chiemgau and Munich
Applications possible annually
financed by the circle of friends and supporters DASMAXIMUM e.V.
Since 2015, DASMAXIMUM KunstGegenwart in Traunreut has been running the project "Oak Plantings in Honor of Joseph Beuys" to commemorate Beuys' idea of "7000 Oaks". Over a period of five years, Beuys planted 7000 trees, each with a basalt stele, in the urban area of Kassel. For him, however, the tree and the basalt were only the visible sign of a social process that was initiated by the planting action and which Beuys called a social sculpture.
Based on this project, the museum has developed the FutureAtelier. The title of the workshop series refers to two well-known quotes by Joseph Beuys, which at the same time illustrate the goals of the series: "The studio is between people" and "The future we want must be invented. Otherwise we will get one that we don't want": The aim is to develop creative solutions and approaches for a better future for society and the environment through collaborative action.
In a first module in the museum, each class collects ideas for change requests. Only the areas "people" and "nature" are specified. For the topic that receives the most votes in a vote, a visual form is developed in a 2nd module at school that can be used to reach the public. In a third module, the results are presented in a public presentation. You can find more information about the ZukunftsAtelier here.
Art Encounter for Vocational School Students
4 hours
Vocational school classes, vocational orientation classes, trainees
Price on demand
The focus of these KunstBegegnungen is on the work of Georg Baselitz or John Chamberlain and includes an active creative part. In a 4 hour workshop the participants are supported by art teacher Susanne Frigge in getting involved with the selected works of art, perceiving impressions and asking questions. The subsequent creative part trains the senses on a very basic level: How can material be deformed? How does it feel? What is a ductus and how is a color tone created? Simple drawing and modeling techniques are learned in order to artistically implement one's own experiences and thoughts.
The workshop is aimed specifically at vocational orientation and vocational school classes or trainees, in order to discover new creative strategies outside of the school or company environment, which can be drawn upon in the career search phase or in professional life.
If you would like to visit the museum alone with your class or have other placement needs, please feel free to contact us.
Kids & Families
90 minutes
Children & Teenagers 8-14 years
Participation & entrance for children free of charge
One Saturday a month
You can find current dates here
The Art Encounters are based on the activity sheets that we have created for each of our artists. Together with a museum employee, the children and young people work with one artist at a time. The focus is on their own observation, experimentation and discovery. In a very individual way, the participants learn not only about the work of the artist and their view of art, but also about themselves and their own understanding of art. Meanwhile, parents can explore the museum at their leisure.
Active sheets
Free tour
For families with children and teenagers
The activity sheets are available free of charge at the cash desk (One activity sheet per child/per visit)
The activity sheets enable families to explore the museum on their own and take a close look at an artist. The focus is on taking a close look at the art and experiencing it in a playful way, which helps families to experience art in a very close and individual way. The activity sheets for all of the museum's artists are available at the museum ticket office. Please understand that only one activity sheet per child can be issued per visit. The experience is all the more intense for it.
General tour
90-120 minutes
up to 25 people per group
110€ per group (plus reduced entrance fee per person)
Possible during the current opening hours or by appointment outside the opening hours
Booking at least 3 weeks in advance via the museum office
VHS offers
90-120 minutes
10€ per person (entrance fee included)
Current dates and registration via the VHS Traunreut
Further training for teachers
Further training Insight into educational work at the DASMAXIMUM KunstGegenwart museum
120 minutes
For teachers of all school types and grades
110€ flat rate for up to 25 people (incl. admission)
Appointment via the museum office
During a joint tour of our museum, you will not only get to know our collection ranging from Andy Warhol to Georg Baselitz, but also the extraordinary (educational) concept that makes DASMAXIMUM so unique. The focus is on individual and direct access to art as well as an atmosphere of calm and concentration. The mere transfer of knowledge is of secondary importance to us. Rather, we want to break down barriers to art - the knowledge then comes automatically. We will show you why our concept is so popular with children and young people and how you can integrate contemporary art and museum visits into your lessons in a sustainable way.
This training course is intended to provide an initial overview of our educational work and give teachers the opportunity to get to know the museum and its collection. It is also intended to dispel any prejudices and fears about museum visits and contemporary art, as these always prove to be unfounded in practice. The offer is therefore aimed at teachers all School types and grades.
Further training for teachers at primary and special schools
Option 1:
approx. 120 minutes
For teachers at primary and special schools
110€ flat rate for up to 25 people (incl. admission)
Appointment via the museum office
Option 2:
approx. 240 minutes
For teachers at primary and special schools
200€ flat rate for up to 25 people (incl. admission)
Appointment via the museum office
Children of primary school age are one of our main target groups. For many, a visit to DASMAXIMUM is their first ever visit to an (art) museum; the "first impression" is therefore crucial. Our "Art Encounters" start right here and create initial access to the museum and contemporary art before any initial reservations can arise. The focus is on the individual experience of art, with traditional knowledge transfer taking a back seat. This not only applies to our educational work, but also lays the foundation for our entire museum work.
Using an exemplary school program at DASMAXIMUM - the Art Encounter - the (prospective) teachers will get to know the museum's art education practice. The principle of "learning as a process of experience" is central to this. The following questions will be answered: How can art be conveyed on an individual and subjective level without losing the reference to the object? How much background knowledge of art theory is "really" needed? Like the practice of mediation itself, the training is based on the principle of "learning as a process of experience": the mediation concept should be experienced and understood by trying out the "art encounter" for yourself.
While option 1 (see above) focuses on the "art encounter" method, option 2 also discusses materials in more detail and introduces other methods. Both options include practical and theoretical modules.
Tour for the anniversary of Wort:Bilder in front of Walter De Maria, Equal Area Series (#15), 1976-1977, © Estate of Walter de Maria. Photo: DASMAXIMUM.
Children at an art encounter on Dan Flavin, photo: DASMAXIMUM.
Dr. Maria Schindelegger with visitors at Wort:Bilder 2023, photo DASMAXIMUM.