DASMAXIMUM says goodbye to the winter break

DASMAXIMUM says goodbye to the winter break

Next weekend, November 26 and 27, DASMAXIMUM opens its doors for the last time before the winter break. When the days are short and dusk comes early, there is a very special atmosphere in the exhibition halls. Take the opportunity to see the works of art at this time of year. . .

DASMAXIMUM in conversation - A review

DASMAXIMUM in conversation - A review

Engaging in exchange: With visitors, politicians and other actors in the field of culture and education. This is the goal of the series of talks at DASMAXIMUM KunstGegenwart, which was launched this year by the Friends and Sponsors of DASMAXIMUM. .

2022-10-5 KunstWortKunst 2022 has started

2022-10-5 KunstWortKunst 2022 has started

Finally, it's starting again: The writing competition KunstWortKunst 2022 has begun.
After the long Corona break, a total of 79 students from nine high schools from the Altötting/Traunstein school cluster attended the kick-off event at the DASMAXIMUM museum on Wednesday, October 5. . .