The exhibition concept of the DASMAXIMUM museum is designed to be permanent: "One artist, one space, forever," is the credo of museum founder Heiner Friedrich. The aim is to give visitors the opportunity to come back again and again and see the works of art at different times of the day and year, in different weather and light conditions. DASMAXIMUM is thus deliberately turning against a fast-paced exhibition culture and, in contrast, wants to enable intensive viewing and observation, the immersion in a single work of art. For this reason, there are no temporary exhibitions at the museum location in Traunreut. Nevertheless, there are treasures slumbering in the rich collection that are to be made accessible to the public. On the one hand, this is achieved through generous loans, and on the other, through numerous exhibition collaborations with renowned art institutions.
Review: Center of Reaction - Heide Stolz and Uwe Lausen
On Wednesday, July 3, 2024, numerous guests celebrated the opening of the exhibition "Center of Reaction" at the Hubert Burda Media publishing house in Munich. A lecture on the artist couple by art historian and curator Dr. Selima Niggl, moderated by Mon Muellerschoen, curator of the Hubert Burda Media Collection, rounded off the evening.
Center of reaction - Uwe Lausen and Heide Stolz
On May 4 and 5, 2024, an exhibition and lecture series will kick off in Traunreut, focusing on the work of the artist couple Uwe Lausen and Heide Stolz. A presentation of selected photographs by Heide Stolz in the Lausen Hall of the DASMAXIMUM museum and a lecture by Dr. Selima Niggl this weekend will mark the start of a collaboration with Hubert Burda Media in Munich, where works by the two artists will also be on display from July.
This was the anniversary weekend at DASMAXIMUM
What a weekend! Several hundred guests celebrated with us the 85th birthday of our founder Heiner Friedrich, culminating in the opening of our new exhibition on Arnulf Rainer.
05-10-2021: Photo avant-garde between pop and protest
On 10 October, the retrospective of Uwe Lausen and Heide Stolz, which lasted almost one and a half years and comprised three stations, comes to an end. . .
29-07-2021: Tour and talk "DU LEBST NUR KEINMAL. UWE LAUSEN AND HEIDE STOLZ" at the Museum Lothar Fischer
Dr. Pia Dornacher, director of the Lothar Fischer Museum in Neumarkt i.d. OPf. and Dr. Birgit Löffler, director of the DASMAXIMUM Museum, will be offering a concentrated knowledge in a dialogue tour of the current special exhibition "Du lebst nur keinmal. Uwe Lausen and Heide Stolz, an artist couple of the 1960s". . .
20-07-2021: "YOU LIVE ONLY ONCE" at the Museum Lothar Fischer
Last Sunday, the Museum Lothar Fischer in Neumarkt i.d. OPf. opened the exhibition "Du lebst nur keinmal. Uwe Lausen and Heide Stolz, an artist couple of the 1960s". . .
01-06-2021: Heide Stolz and Uwe Lausen at the Gunzenhauser Museum
Since the opening in November, it has only been accessible for a few days. Now, finally, the exhibition "Du lebst nur keinmal. Uwe Lausen and Heide Stolz. An Artist Couple of the 1960s" at the Gunzenhauser Museum in Chemnitz can reopen. As the main lender, we are delighted . . .
18-09-2020: "Heide Stolz. Affairs" at the Kunsthalle Darmstadt
In the 1960s, Heide Stolz created a groundbreaking photographic oeuvre in the vicinity of the Munich avant-garde and the Galerie Heiner Friedrich, which - as with many artists of her generation - has only been rediscovered in recent years. In 2020, we can already look back on the second exhibition . . .
18-06-2020: DASMAXIMUM at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Staging, provocation, breaking taboos, violence - the works of the artist couple Uwe Lausen and Heide Stolz are without counterpart in the 1960s. The painter Uwe Lausen was born in Stuttgart. . .
05-06-2020: Heide Stolz photographs in Ueberfeldt Retrospective
The Pasinger Fabrik surprises its visitors with a great discovery: curator Stefan Mittendorf presents an exhibition by ...