18-09-2020: "Heide Stolz. Affairs" at the Kunsthalle Darmstadt

18-09-2020: "Heide Stolz. Affairs" at the Kunsthalle Darmstadt

In the 1960s, Heide Stolz created a groundbreaking photographic oeuvre in the vicinity of the Munich avant-garde and the Galerie Heiner Friedrich, which - as with many artists of her generation - has only been rediscovered in recent years. In 2020, we can already look back on the second exhibition . . .

10-02-2020: Award ceremony KunstWortKunst

10-02-2020: Award ceremony KunstWortKunst

About 70 participating students* were celebrated in the auditorium of the JHG Traunreut for their creative text on a self-chosen work from the museum DASMAXIMUM.

16-11-2019: Tour "Maximalism in minimalism".

16-11-2019: Tour "Maximalism in minimalism".

Minimal Art arose in the 1960s in the United States as a counter-movement to the prevailing abstractly gestural painting and the apparently trivial world of images of pop art. The artists employed industrial . . .

15-11-2019: Nationwide Reading Day at DASMAXIMUM

15-11-2019: Nationwide Reading Day at DASMAXIMUM

Do works of art require texts? Precisely the unbiased visitors to the museum, DASMAXIMUM, repeatedly prove that art has an effect even without explanations. But you are allowed to be curious. . .