Nine secondary schools in the Altöttting and Traunstein school cluster of the Technical University of Munich joined forces with the DASMAXIMUM museum for the first time in 2014 for the KunstWortKunst project, which places art and creative writing at the heart of extracurricular education. Pupils in year 10 were invited to write a text inspired by a work of art freely chosen at DASMAXIMUM - without any guidelines, without the framework of the school and without any restrictions from teachers. The interdisciplinary approach of "KunstWortKunst" and the concept of the museum, which was opened as a foundation in Traunreut in 2011 by art patron Heiner Friedrich, come together here in an ideal way, as the exhibition of major works of international contemporary art, which now covers a good 4,000 square meters flooded with daylight, is not intended to focus on art-historical instruction but on the experience of art. A high-caliber jury of experts from literary studies, art, culture and the press selects the best texts from the submissions, which are honored in a small anthology and made available to interested readers. The success of the writing competition ultimately led to KunstWortKunst now being firmly established as a biennial event.

2022-10-5 KunstWortKunst 2022 has started

2022-10-5 KunstWortKunst 2022 has started

Finally, it's starting again: The writing competition KunstWortKunst 2022 has begun.
After the long Corona break, a total of 79 students from nine high schools from the Altötting/Traunstein school cluster attended the kick-off event at the DASMAXIMUM museum on Wednesday, October 5. . .

10-02-2020: Award ceremony KunstWortKunst

10-02-2020: Award ceremony KunstWortKunst

About 70 participating students* were celebrated in the auditorium of the JHG Traunreut for their creative text on a self-chosen work from the museum DASMAXIMUM.

01-2015: KunstWortKunst The award winners have been chosen

01-2015: KunstWortKunst The award winners have been chosen

After several jury rounds from November to January, in which the youth literature critic Christine Knödler and the writer Norbert Niemann, together with five other experts, thoroughly scrutinized the results of KunstWortKunst 2014, the prize winners have now been determined.

15-10-2014: School cluster project Creative Writing in the museum DASMAXIMUM

15-10-2014: School cluster project Creative Writing in the museum DASMAXIMUM

Dr. Robert Anzeneder, director of the Johannes-Heidenhain-Gymnasium in Traunreut - the JHG is a reference school of the cluster and thus coordinator and contact person of the TU - had used the importance and central location of the MAXIMUM in Traunreut for the year 2014 to put art and creative writing in the focus of extracurricular education for once. Together with her colleagues . . .